There is a rectangle in the xy-plane. Each edge of this rectangle is parallel to the 2or y-axis, and its area is not zero.
Given the coordinates of three of the four vertices of this rectangle, (P,Q), (A,B), and (X,Y), find the coordinates of the other vertex.
All numbers are between -100 and +100.
There uniquely exists a rectangle with all of (P,Q), (A,B), and (X,Y) as vertices, edges parallel to the xor y-axis, and a non-zero area.
All values in input are integers.
Print the sought coordinates (x,y) separated by a space in the following format:
Sample I/O
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
The other vertex of the rectangle with vertices (−1,−1),(−1,2),(3,2) is (3,−1).